The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116631   Message #2512800
Posted By: Jim Lad
11-Dec-08 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wild Canadian Politics
Subject: RE: BS: Wild Canadian Politics
You know, as the sole Conservative voice on this thread, it's easy to miss the fact that throughout the recent events, the Conservative numbers have risen drastically. They are ahead of the Liberals by 20 points and 76% of Canadians are opposed to the coalition.
That being said, Mr. Harper has rung the bell to start the second round.
One rival is out and the coalition is in tatters. Dead in the water.
Today he has announced that he will be filling the 18 vacancies in the senate to "Better reflect" the political make up of the house of commons. I referred to those vacancies way up there somewhere.
Watch how this one unfolds.
If the opposition makes a big enough fuss he will come out of this with a Conservative majority in the house.
Remember too that I had suggested there may be some floor crossing?
There are a number of opposition members who would gladly accept a position as Senator (Under Mr. Harper's terms) as a viable way out of Mr. Ignatief's or Mr. Layton's leadership and a separatist coalition.
Too clever by far but in the face of the Liberals using backroom deals to proclaim a leader, I'd have to say that the opposition party is in a glass house.