The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4857   Message #251359
Posted By: raredance
03-Jul-00 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: Is there a Carter Family Songbook?
Subject: RE: Is there a Carter Family Songbook?
Sometimes when I sneak a message in during a break at work, it is best not to associate my name with it. I confess to being the one who listed the two books above. I had recalled seeing what turned out to be the Sokolow book in a music store in "Dinky Town" (a community region of Minneapolis adjacent to the University of Minnesota campus) when I was at a scientific meeting in March. I didn't buy it even though they had two copies. I went out to the web and got the title from the Carter Family fan club site (URL below). I also discovered a collection of a variety of Carter Family lyrics at a web site by Peter Feldman, a bluegrass musician. The URL for that one takes you directly to the Carter lyrics, from which you can get to the rest of Peter's stuff which is also worth a look. I expect that many of the lyrics he has are already in the DT, but I did not go down the list ato cross check. Finally I found a breif description of the Sokolow book that lists a few of the songs that are included. Also note that both Carter songbooks are available at Elderly Instuments ( and probably elsewhere) for less than the list price.

rich r

The Carter Family Collection by Fred Sokolow

This deluxe book features 32 songs from "The Royal Family of Country Music," plus an introduction & family history, rare photos, a chronological discography, and analysis of their technique and music. Songs include: Bury Me Under the Weeping Willow | Can the Circle Be Unbroken | Cannonball (Cannonball Blues) | Coal Miner's Blues | Engine One-Forty-Three | Foggy Mountain Top | Hello Stranger | John Hardy Was a Desperate Little Man | Little Joe (Darling Little Joe) | Lonesome Valley | Wabash Cannonball | Wildwood Flower | and more. Includes a brief bio of Carter Family discoverer Ralph Peer. 00690261 Guitar Recorded Versions $19.95