The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40681   Message #2514428
Posted By: Desert Dancer
13-Dec-08 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Kat, you have a(nother?) Secret Santa who's faciliting your acquisition of a Cheticamp rug hooking frame. Have fun!! :-)

(I should note, I have this frame because the trip to Cape Breton was with my folks. My mother is a "likes to try different crafts" type of person who has trouble restraining herself in shopping opportunities like that... consequently, at 84 she has one room of their two-bedroom apartment that is packed with crafty stuff, that she is now trying to clear down so that they can even think about moving from the top of the hill in their retirement community to somewhere on the same level as the dining/library/etc. center, since Dad's (@ almost 88) mild Parkinson's is making it harder for him to walk...
   My sister inherited more of the creative blood (she spins, weaves, and knits), me, I can never finish a crafty project and so have learned not to start them. The music and dance are my focus, instead.
   I appreciate the fruits of others' labors, though!!)

~ Becky in Tucson