The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116901   Message #2514471
Posted By: lady penelope
13-Dec-08 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Quirky Food Rituals - what's yours?
Subject: RE: BS: Quirky Food Rituals - what's yours?
Ginger cake and pears... Mmmm....


Any sweet covered in chocolate is liable to have the chocolate nibbled off first (down to and including Malteesers). I do the same as Liz with regards to walnut whips.

I still nibble the crust off any sandwich involving marmite.

It took me years to get used to toast done both sides (grew up with an eye level grill and could never be bothered to wait to do the other side of the toast...)

I like raw tomato but can't abide it on burgers or pizza.

I like raw bananas but can't abide them processed in any shape, form or fashion.

Hate drinking either milk or water out of anything but a glass. I have no idea why. I can just about cope with water out of a plastic bottle.