The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116948   Message #2514852
Posted By: kendall
14-Dec-08 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: Storytelling: Bert and I, 50 years later
Subject: RE: Folklore: Bert and I, 50 years later
Sins, thanks you for the review. The thing about Maine humor is, its laid back style of delivery. That is the tradition. Many of the asides take a few seconds to "sink in" so you have to proceed at a space that does not leave the audience behind.
I know one storyteller who troops back and forth like Groucho Marx while saying things that need time to be absorbed. It just doesn't work.He once asked me what you do when your best material falls flat, and I said "Get used to it." He thought that was funny, but he didn't realize I was commenting on his delivery style.

My upbringing trained me to not "stick out" and call attention to myself. That works well with Maine humor, and they go hand in hand. Sins, you may have noticed that one of the performers parked on the sidewalk right outside the room where we did the show? That sort of thing is common to stand up comics who want to draw attention to themselves, but it is a no no to the traditionalist. I parked so far away from the venue I needed my passport to get back and forth.

Did my demonstration of the lead line make my story about the compost heap clearer?