The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116964   Message #2516123
Posted By: Waddon Pete
15-Dec-08 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: Why folk clubs are dying
Subject: RE: Why folk clubs are dying
Music stands and crib sheets......

There was a lovely band playing outside our local supermarket tonight...of course their interpretation of the music was dreadful because they all had music stands with music one. One trumpet player even had the temerity to have a little music stand clipped to his trumpet! So of course I was outraged.

Further down the street there was a choir singing songs of the festive season. They didn't, of course, put any feeling in to what they were singing as they were too busy reading the words to give them any true musical interpretation. So of course, I was outraged.

A guy came to do a spot at our club. We should have chucked him out as he had a music stand and a crib sheet. Were outraged! Until he played and sang everyone's socks off. We were still outraged....but we asked him to do another one!
