The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117005   Message #2516624
Posted By: Sleepy Rosie
16-Dec-08 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Define 'art'
Subject: RE: BS: Define 'art'
bit of a tangent here, because I'm never going to attempt to define what art is. But as a fan of a lot of what may be generally derided in the popular press, it's a shame to me that for some reason 'modern art' can seem so alienating to so many. It isn't really of course, it's simply that there appears IMO very little encouragement for (the working classes in particular) to learn to explore and experience all the various forms of expression out there. One of the interesting things is that children from whatever background, are so ready to be open to experiencing and responding to new and interesting stimulus. And yet as we grow older and learn to place ourselves in the boxes preformed for us, that willingness to be open so swiftly ceases. There needs to be more five year olds running around in art galleries. The atmosphere in some art galleries can be a big put-off, and all the assumptions that go with it. Sterile and frigid. I love it when some loud-voiced unabashed Amercian tourist stands next to me and fills the holy echoing halls with a honest good humoured "Do you get that? What's it supposed to be? I don't get that!" They are probably thinking exactly what I'm thinking, and what the black polo-neck jumpered young man with a brown corduroy jacket beside us is thinking, but dare never voice!!