The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22385   Message #251672
Posted By: Jon Freeman
04-Jul-00 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: Are you a lumper or a splitter?
Subject: RE: Are you a lumper or a splitter?
sledge, I think you have hit on one of the problems when you say "invited to your house".

Let me try again:

1. There had been a complaint made by Harpgirl that Mbo had been singing to much and not letting others get a turn and there was some disucssion and as I result, I made it possible for anybody to set up a room using my page for whatever event they wished.

2. Harpgirl comes up with a suggestion for a Hearme event that by its definition excludes certain people from participating,

3. I suggest that such an event would be better placed in a private room (cf your house).

4. Before I know it my suggestion is being read as being sexist. I'd have thought that somebody who had previously complained about not getting a look in would have been the first to understand that those rules were effectively stoping others from peforming and could have at least entered into a reasonable discussion on the possibility of using a different location.

The biggest problem with that whole debate was that few people were capable of looking at a general problem which it is (or could be at some point in the future ) and has nothing to do with whether HG's suggestion was a good one or not.

If people wish to use my page, a reasonable discussion on how to use it to best suit the needs of everybody would be constructive but I think that with the current feeling it would be impossible. Why is it so hard for people to simply step back a little and look at the real problem without clouding the issue with other subjects?
