The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116816   Message #2517211
Posted By: Bobert
16-Dec-08 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Subject: RE: BS: Senate Seat for Sale
Maybe you haven't noticed, Dougie, but Obama has been extremely busy of late in making appointments and getting his transition team up and running... He's probablu putting in some long days and, guess what, the choice of who will replace him in the Senate is something that he really doesn have time to get bogged down with and is letting his staff do what any responsibile staff would do in making the various contacts...

I know that the Repubs are despondant because they just got trashed in the election but playing the same old Watergate play isn't going to help them one bit in the long run... They need to find an identity that is something other than snooping and bashing... Snooping and bashing ain't in these days... That is why Obama won with such a large margain...

My suggestions to the Repbs is hire some control groups and run some of this stuff by them before the knee-jerk stuff...
