The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117028   Message #2517733
Posted By: evansakes
17-Dec-08 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: Hallelujah- Which is the best version?
Subject: RE: Hallelujah- Which is the best version?
No I can't do better but that isn't the point. Funnily enough I used to do Hallelujah ten or more years back....I might not be a Caruso (or a Burke :-) but I like to think I got the point of the song across a little more effectively than Alexandria's bombastic version.

Her version IS awful in my opinion because it totally fails to serve the song. Hallelujah is a simple and poetic lament (almost a psalm) with a soaring and beautiful melody which gets totally dismembered by someone who is (let's face it) simply a glorified karaoke singer who has won a vacuous competition. It will be number one at Christmas simply because Burke has had hundreds of hours of free advertising in recent weeks and is tabloid fodder ad nauseam. 99% of the people who watch aren't discerning enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Like all X Factor types Burke suffers from terminal Mariah-itis.
For me anyone's abilities as a singer aren't defined by how many decorations you can make to a melody. Or perhaps I mean desecrations? These "singers" (apologies for paraphrasing dear old Jake) "will never sing two or three notes when a couple of thousand will easily do". That in itself is enough to make it awful in my opinion.