The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117054   Message #2517976
Posted By: Amos
17-Dec-08 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: All (UK) Woolworths stores to close
Subject: RE: BS: All Woolworths stores to close
LOL, Poppa. I shoplifted my first 45 RPM single from a Woolies, and also bought "Lady Chatterly's Lover" there in my first adventure in literary eroticism, long before Henry Miller was legal. I know that smell--a cross between hamburgers, stale bon-bons, outgassing plastics, and the granualar medicated sawdust they used to clean the floors (which were usually long boards heavily varnished). There was a wonderful constancy to Woolworth's--whether in Maine or Illinois, you knew where you were, in the lap of shlock luxury.