The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117050   Message #2518205
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
17-Dec-08 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Would You Do With an Acre of Land?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would You Do With an Acre of Land?
You haven't told us about the essential three things about real estate:   First location, then location, and finally location!

How close is it to residential areas? To commercial areas?
What kind of roads come near it, to connect it to the above?
Is it within good television coverage?
Is it within a fire protection district?
Is it quite visible from the road, or screened enough to give privacy, if that's important?

And you call it "a field". From those words I envision a relatively flat, treeless expanse. What's the drainage? What's the soil like? Good loamy soil, or heavy clay that is hard to work and won't drain?

Without answers to these questions and others like them, I would have no idea what I could/would do with it, or even if I'd want to touch it.

Dave Oesterreich