The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116964   Message #2518333
Posted By: Faye Roche
17-Dec-08 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: Why folk clubs are dying
Subject: RE: Why folk clubs are dying
"Faye, if you prefer to listen to cover bands playing crap"

Not what I said.

"well,your clearly concerned with form rather than content,why bother with the folk scene,why not earn a lot of money imitating Elvis."

It should have been clear from my last post that I am concerned with form AND content- that's why I respect this music so much. You obviously don't respect it- that's why you're happy to listen to crap singers.

"when you quote me please have the decency to give the full quote.which was .
[it is really up to organisers to sort this out,and to give some thought to their presentation of floor singers,however I would still prefer a night of badly performed folk songs to an evening of competent Britney Spears imitators[or whatever FAYE used to imitate]"

...and that was not the post that I quoted. I don't think that I had read that far.

And by the way, even when I used to sing covers I did NOT imitate anyone- I brought my own style to everything that I sang. It's possible to sing pop music well you know! And before you form the deckchairs in a circle to go off on another tangent, the reason I stopped singing pop is that I developed a LOVE for folk music as soon as I discovered it. That's why I play in scruffy pubs for nothing as opposed to singing in 4-star hotels for £200 each a night and a personal changing room.

And, much as I dislike everything I've heard from Britney, I'd rather hear her music (or anything else) done well than folk music (or anything else) done badly. Why is that so hard to understand? Is it a kind of inverted snobbery?