The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116994   Message #2518485
Posted By: GUEST,lox
17-Dec-08 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
You know Ruth, I think if you read back through lizzies, mine and your posts, you will find that they are not actually that far removed from each other.

And that is exactly where I agree with Lizzie (not anyone else who might or might not be similar to her) - because it is a narrow tightrope we are walking and each of us is trying to ensure that the other doesn't fall off the other side.

Some feel we are leaning too much to the left and some that we are leaning to much to the right.

But I see no evidence of Extreme thinking or politicking in this thread from those who are actually engaging in the discussion with their hearts and minds.

If you want to meet the enemy and see how they really think (or not as the case may be), go down narborough road and just before the bridge, opposite cafe twentyone, you'll see the imposing hulk of a detached PUB - the huntsman I think its called.

Anyway, whilst sipping your tasty beverage, you may observe as the large clientele playfully headbutt each other and assert their version of Englishness.

Its a "last stand" pub and a thoroughly unpleasant place and you wouldn't get a word out ... let alone get one in!

I suspect we know some of the same people judging by your resume and perhaps even know each other.

You are into folk and cultural projects so you definitely know my friend carol leeming.

If so tell her that lox says hello ;-D