The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116986   Message #2518491
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
17-Dec-08 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: Guitar set-up for missing digits
Subject: RE: Guitar set-up for missing digits
Habits are hard to change, and that especially goes for habits that have been built into our brain by practice over years, which is what happens when we play musical instruments.

Changing playing hands is enormously difficult. But I don't think it's necessary to assume that learning the other way round should be rejected where there are reasons to try it.

I came across this site about left-handed music making, which is interesting in itself - and this passage leapt out at me: "If you look at any orchestra around the world, you'll notice that every violinist is playing right handed! Its been this way for hundreds of years. Right and left handed people alike customarily play the violin right handed. Violin teachers instruct all of their students to play right handed whether or not they are naturally right handed."

I think it is definitely worth trying in the circumstances.