The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39836   Message #2518516
Posted By: GUEST,John in Tatsfield, England
17-Dec-08 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: Where are the Womenfolk?
Subject: RE: Where are the Womenfolk?
I cannot believe that after all these years during which I thought I was the only fan of the Womenfolk in existence, that I now tumble on this website and find the ladies themselves are actually contributing. Hi girls! I have always enjoyed the memory of your appearance on British TV back in the 60s as a result of which I quite naturally fell in love with all of you and immediately went and bought the LP's which I still treasure today.Have always regretted not seeing you live but finding this website bridges 40 odd years of highly enjoyable listening to your special brand of music. In order to get to this website easily, I wil lodge this link under "Favourites". What could be a more appropriate heading?!