The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116994   Message #2519038
Posted By: GUEST,lox
18-Dec-08 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
"The rich legacy of tradition, legend, myth and very real wealth of landscape and man-made structures is one of our island's richest treasures. The men and women of the British National Party are motivated by love and admiration of the outpouring of culture, art, literature and the pattern of living through the ages that has left its mark on our very landscape. We value the folkways and customs which have been passed down through countless generations. We enthuse with pride at the marvels of architecture and engineering that have been completed on these islands since the construction of the great megaliths 7,000 years ago."

This may be taken from the BNP Manifesto, but there are several clues that it doesn't rerpresent them in the slightest, but that they use it in an attempt to make themselves a bit more attractive to voters.

Clue 1 - "very real wealth of landscape and man-made structures"

I used to go on demos alongside groups such as friends of the earth etc to attempt to save sites like twyford down from destruction - I never saw a sigle BNP activist there in support of any of these demos.

I have seen the same hippies who risk their own welfare to save such sites be intimidated and beaten up by BNP activists for being hippy eco warrior scum.

What you call reactionary drivel is in fact what motivates british environmentalists to put themselves at risk in the first place.

Clue 2 - "outpouring of culture, art, literature"

Have you ever met a member of the BNP?

Try talking to them about Culture Art and Literature in any depth at all and risk getting a beating for being a middle class bleeding heart liberal.

Point out to them that many of Britains greatest Artists were from the "face don't fit" category, and have your beating upgraded to a good kicking.

The quote above doesn't not represent the BNP mindset any more than a quote from Mandelas Autobiography might.

But I have no doubt that there are many finely crafted phrases in his autobiography whic, taken out of context, could be used to enhance their image.

The BNP are interested in only one thing - bullying people who look or act differently to them.

Suggesting that any of the above quotes shows allegiance to fascist politics is puerile nonsense.