The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116894   Message #2519265
Posted By: CamiSu
18-Dec-08 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: ICE - the winter kind
Subject: RE: BS: ICE - the winter kind

I use snowbanks all the time, as well as my porch, the woodshed, even the utility room can be a walk-in fridge. Works great for eggs except in the summer. Squirrels, mice. rats can all raid if you don't take care. I have several gallons of cider frozen on the porch right now. When the freezer on the fridge decided to work in reverse I loaded all its contents into a laundry basket and stuck it in the woodshed. The outside temp promptly went to 57. So much for THAT!

But the real reason we live here? The neighbors! (and everyone else for that matter) They're there when you need 'em and we enjoy doing for each other. And the past year I've needed that.
