The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117087   Message #2519536
Posted By: semi-submersible
19-Dec-08 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: sprig has sprung
Subject: RE: sprig has sprung
My elementary school teacher told a story of when he was a schoolboy, having one teacher who when spring was in the air always recited that rhyme upon entering his classroom.

One morning class clown Ron Graham, instead of waiting at his desk like the other students for the teacher's arrival, hid himself in the supply closet at the back of the classroom.

When the teacher arrived, he smiled upon the students as usual and recited "Spring is sprung, the grass is riz..." and the students replied in unison (without any pre-arrangement) "I wonder where Ron Graham is."

Without another word the teacher walked straight to the supply closet, flung it open, and led the miscreant out by the ear to do penance.