The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116986   Message #2519548
Posted By: Piers Plowman
19-Dec-08 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: Guitar set-up for missing digits
Subject: RE: Guitar set-up for missing digits
Subject: RE: Guitar set-up for missing digits
From: Burton Coggles - PM
Date: 18 Dec 08 - 04:10 PM

"Slide guitar, usually played in open tunings can in my opinion be one of the most beautifully expressive forms of music and is adaptable to many styles."

Including Indian classical music! I have a sampler including a guitar-mandoline duo where the musicians both played using slides --- sitting on the floor, with the instruments in front of them. Unfortunately, the sampler only contained short snippets from other CDs, but everything on it was good.

The only thing is, one really needs steel strings for a slide to sound good. A slide on nylon strings sounds pretty lousy. I do this occasionally for lack of a steel-string guitar.