The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117050   Message #2519693
Posted By: Joseph P
19-Dec-08 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Would You Do With an Acre of Land?
Subject: RE: BS: What Would You Do With an Acre of Land?
"Get hold of a copy of John Seymour's book on self-sufficiency. A lot of it is idealistic twaddle, but it should give you some ideas of what you can do with an acre."

My Dad has a copy of this book, as a child I would read it for hours. I dreamed of becoming self sufficient, keeping pigs etc, (not in a pet way, I was also keen on the butchering bit - I love my meat!!!)

Nowadays? I would keep a small area of woodland, grow veg on some, operate a landshare scheme where people can grow their veg on my land in exchange for a small share, similar to that suggested by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall (isnt that a bit like feudalism all over again? - maybe just let them use the land for free instead.)
Maybe I would squeeze on a bit of livestock. Who knows.