The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116894   Message #2519821
Posted By: LilyFestre
19-Dec-08 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: ICE - the winter kind
Subject: RE: BS: ICE - the winter kind
Yesterday the predictions for the large storm headed to the northeastern section of the US were all over the radios and news. For our specific area they said the storm would start around midnight. I was up at 1:30am. Nothing. I went back to bed and decided I would have to teach this morning and we would have an early dismissal. THe phone rang at 5:45am. It was the person ahead of me on the snow chain and she said, "Enjoy your 3 day weekend." I giggled, said thanks and called the next person on the list. I went downstairs and looked outside. Still, NOTHING. Hm. It's now a few hours later and I can't see much beyond our barn for the fine, yet heavy downfall of snow. It is quite beautiful.

    Like many who live in our region, as long as we can stay home, we're good. We have plenty of food, heat (wood stove as backup)and plenty of candles and flashlights should the power go out. The only thing that would be a pain is the water. We have plenty of it stored, so it's really only a pain and not a problem. DH is on the move this morning stacking extra firewood and making sure the critters have enough food and straw to stay warm. Personally, I'm about to hop in the shower and start some laundry so if the power does go, we have all clean clothes and I'm all clean! Ok, and yes, a new pot of coffee too! :) Also, the french press is ready to go, should we need it!

    I hope that any of you who are being hit by this storm are fortunate enough to be able to stay home, snuggle in with a loved one or a good book and enjoy the day (or maybe days!).

Stay warm and safe.
