The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117087   Message #2519823
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
19-Dec-08 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: sprig has sprung
Subject: RE: sprig has sprung
This is what I learned:

Spring has sprung.
The grass has riz.
I wonder where the flowers is.
Beneath the ground they're friz.

Remember how the Mouseketeers had Anything Can Happen Day? Here in Missouri, we have Anything Can Happen Weather.

Yesterday we had cold weather with four inches of snow on the ground. At suppertime, I heard an ominous rumble. 'Was that an explosion?' I asked myself. No, it was thunder. We had thunder, lightning and rain on top of the snow.

Fortunately, it did not produce much ice, at least not right here.

Saturday it will be 43, Sunday, it will be 0. Let's hope they are wrong.

Gurney: congratulations on being in New Zealand.