The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116994   Message #2520015
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
19-Dec-08 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
Mr Sticky, however, falls into the elementary error of assuming that "folk" is a sound.

Now there's a good idea for a thread. Just what the f**k is folk, anyway? Have we had that one yet?

Let's see - if it's not a sound, what else could it be? It is a way of life, perhaps? Is it a crucial aspect of our Good Old English Heritage? Or is it just a piece of bogus hokum to be quibbled over from our various and equally deluded standpoints all of whom claim their way is the right way? But before 1954 ever defined itself, and even 1903 when C# filched the magic Seeds off Mr England and grew himself the magic beanstalk that eventually became The Revival, there was no Folk Music, nor yet the attendant prissiness, purism, pomposity & pedantry that invariably attends it.

A New Year's resolution therefore - I hereby extract the finger from my ear and renounce folk in all its ghastly forms. Instead, I will continue with my love of Traditional Song, Story, Lore, Ballad, Fiddle-Faddle Stuff, Dance, Music, and suchlike Fol-de-Rol. As an born-again non-folkie I will still frequent folk clubs & festivals, and I will be in no way evangelical (unlike when I became a non-smoker) but tacitly pursue my new calling with the calm dignity found only in the truly self-righteous. Of course I could start a new organisation: The English Society for those who Love Traditional Song, Balladry, Custom and Usage but for whom the Concept of Folk Music Sticks in Gullet like a Dogshit* Sandwich - but I don't suppose too many would join.

*White, or otherwise.

IB ;-]