The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116994   Message #2520066
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
19-Dec-08 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
"Leveller, just to refresh your memory: the "vendetta" on the BBC board went on for years, with Lizzie constantly getting into screechy tangles with many, many people. It was certainly going on long before I even joined the board, and Lizzie had already been banned from that board at least once before I ever joined it. It was her constant badgering of the BBC staff that got them to threaten her with legal action."

Can this *please* stop.

Every single time someone is half way supportive of me, or kind to me, you come swooping down to 'put them straight'. ???????

Just to set the record straight, before yet again you 'spin' it out of control, the BBC themselves referred to what was happening to me as a 'witch hunt', I have their email if anyone wants the proof. They too will have a copy of it. Anyone can email them or me, you have my full permission. I HAD to continually email them to ask them to remove your posts, Ralph Jordan's and Diane's ALL of which were deeply personal, vindictive and broke every single BBC House Rule. They had banned me, because I dared to respond to you all, they also banned Diane, at the same time, but left you and Ralph free to do your worst, and you did. Eventually, I told the BBC that if they did not remove these lies and deeply personal insults, then I would cause absolute chaos on their board, because all I was asking was for posts which broke their own rules, and which put my family at risk, to be removed. I had gone down the normal route of complaining to them via the board, but nothing happened, and so I had no option but to email both them and Smooth Ops. You have a problem with that? Then ask Mel, Smooth Ops host, I'm sure you know her. Again, you have my full permission, for I have *nothing* to hide.

Nothing happened, and so, as I'd informed them, I caused chaos on their board one day, which, surprise, surprise, FINALLY resulted in your posts being instantly removed, along with Ralph's, the two of you being put into pre-mod and the BBC putting their own thread on, saying that anyone who from now on even mentioned my name would have their account looked into, and if anyone thought I was on the board, then they should contact the BBC via their complaints button, immediately. That thread is still there, from their 'host' 'Jane'. But heck look at what I had to resort to before they finally did what they should have done in the first instance.

In all this time, by the way, I have never referred to your family, your relationships, nor belittled your intelligence, nor left comments so vitriolic that at times, I've hardly believed what you are willing to put on message boards. I have even put up with you threatening to 'have a drink with my (then) husband' when you saw him at Sidmouth, to 'tell him all about me' (???) You said that on this board. Yes, I have referred to 'your place of work' which means that you are helping with Sidmouth Festival from next year, being it's artistic director, I believe. I refer to it because I live in Sidmouth, and once loved that festival. You have in the past made highly derrogatory comments about a particular band, who bring in more people to folk festivals than many others, headlining at all the major festivals. When you made those comments, you were working for another festival and I reprimanded you on the BBC for what you said, as I felt that working 'in the trade' as it were, festival organisers should be way above making unpleasant remarks about ANY artists, particularly on the major folk boards and the BBC in particular. And especially when those very artists are bringing in thousands of people to their festivals and making them a lot of money. It was, in my view, dishonourable. There has since followed a vendetta of major proportions, from you, Diane and Ralph, although Ralph has now backed right off.

I did NOT start this thread for the reasons you are telling everyone, not at all, but you will not accept that. leveller simply left a kind message which supported me, that was all and yet again, down you swooped, to 'put him right'. Well I'm afraid you got it wrong, very wrong. I started this thread to have an open discussion about what people think English culture actually is, because of the condescending comments Diane comes out with so often, about 'other people's' views of English culture. So, just for once, I wanted to hear what other people views *actually* were. Instead, I got all this. And yet, perhaps if you had just left this thread alone, then no doubt more would have felt able to join in, but you haven't. And so, it's turned into this.

From Diane:

"And even more fascinating to have it revealed that it was the infamous Peter Route, organiser of Sidmouth's Acoustic Café (or whatever it's calling itself these days) who was responsible. I do believe he got fired (from the Post Office, not Sidmouth).

My ex-husband was not fired from The Royal Mail. Sorry to take the sting out of your sting. You'll have to go away and think of something else to try and rile me with. He was also, for one year at least, one of those very people who stepped in to save Sidmouth Folk Week, working alongside many people that you and Joan know. I'd suggest you ask Derek Schofield, Diane, or ask Joan to ask him for you. Peter was one of Sidmouth's directors that year, as well you know. I have nothing to hide, nothing. I will always correct wrongs that are written about me, even if it embarrasses me to do so. I have never walked away from the truth, ever.

I wish you both a Happy Christmas and hope you enjoy Sidmouth next year, but perhaps, sometime over the Christmas period, you should both find some time to dwell on this fact. If it wasn't for people like my ex-husband, who stepped in to help save Sidmouth and who all worked their butts off that year, not knowing what would happen, then Joan would not be the artistic director of a Folk Week that is loved by very many people. Please ensure you take care of it.

And now, back to English culture, or fish and chips, or cream teas...or Maypoles...