The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9660   Message #252038
Posted By: GUEST,Jan
05-Jul-00 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I Can't Change It (T. W. Connor)
Subject: RE: I can't change her
I noticed no activity since March - have you found the song? My grandmother is searching for it also - via me. All she can remember is: A man visiting a woman - he's driving a horse and buggy, there's an accident, buggy turns over. When the dust settled, he saw false teeth and a wooden leg. Golden trusses mussed, and he picks up the attachments and brings her home once more. My grandmother is 87 yrs old and remembers this song being sung to her as a child. She would like to hear this song once more. Any word?
From Guest Jan July 5, 2000

Any luck on finding that song? I am posting on each thread I can find. My grandmother is looking for that song. All she can remember is: A man visiting a woman - he's driving a horse and buggy - there's an accident and the buggy turned over. When the dust settled, he saw false teeth and a wooden leg. Golden tresses mussed. He picks up the attachments and brings her home once more. Please let me know if you've found this song. Thanks!