The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117175   Message #2521487
Posted By: Michael Harrison
21-Dec-08 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
Subject: BS: Hockey - Plus and Minus ????
Yeah, I know, I'm from Hockeytown and all, but I really don't know all of the little fine things about the game and in this little area of statistics I'm totally lost. I'm sure that some fine Catter out there can explain what is meant by a players "plus / minus" ratio.

I was reading an article today about Bret Lebda and Chris Draper of the Red Wings and it was written that Lebda was now a "plus-9" and it wasn't long ago that he was benched because he was a "minus-16," or something like that. What does it all mean please? Oh, and where did our 2008 hockey thread go to; or, does it not pick up again until it's playoff time. Cheers,...........mwh