The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117165   Message #2521577
Posted By: wysiwyg
21-Dec-08 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Curly headed piccaninny
Subject: RE: Curly headed piccaninny
I don't think there is a human bean on the planet that doesn't have some nasty junk or other mixed in, deep, with all the happy memories. Imagine how a poor kid has to wrap their mind around the disconnect between granny's loving croon and these words, as a tiny mite hearing it for the first time? How does one disentangle the good part of that memory from the all junk that got stuck onto it? (Rhet Q) Oh I KNOW how-- but the doing of it, that is another matter.

One way you do it is by taking an unflinching look back there into the past to see what-all is actually IN there. Can't clean it up, really, without being willing to start, there.
