The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116964   Message #2521607
Posted By: Ian Fyvie
21-Dec-08 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Why folk clubs are dying
Subject: RE: Why folk clubs are dying
Croneyism - the biggest killer of Folk Clubs (Guest/Pay Clubs) of all time? (re: Indrani 20 Dec).

It's only lightly touched upon - too close to home perhaps for a lot of orgamizers?

It amounts to an elite running things in their own exclusive and perpetuating image. It may work. There may be enough Punters (or their booking policy is effective) - that they pull in enough siimilar people who actually like a good middle class chortle.

The damage is done through those who's faces didn't fit. They may have tried Folk, concluded it was just a bunch of MCWs and joined the anti-folk brigade; purely through a bad experiece - or run of them.

Damage is also done through those quite happy with the Club as Punters, but observe the unfair treatment dished out to floorsingers who have been waiting for their promised spot most of the evening - to find a Chum of the Organizers (Johnny Famous - staying in town a few days with his dead grandmother) waltz in and get that instant spot ("Darling!", "Darling!". Sorry Floorsinger - can't fit you in.")

Yes the club sustains as long as its booking poilicy produces - but the Punter nevertheless talkes down the club from other angles.

Perhaps the successful croney club developed into the local festival....??

Ian Fyvie