The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116994   Message #2522372
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
22-Dec-08 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
"There are many who can't afford a season ticket for Sidmouth Folk Week"

"and this is relevant how, exactly? I have already said that I understand why the NT has to charge, and certainly understand why festivals need to charge. My (relatively light-hearted) point was simply that the NT's slogan might be slightly misleading, or at least open to misinterpretation."

Nope, the way it was written, imo, was to knock The National Trust, making out that their charges were exorbitant, (they're not, as I pointed out to you) and to make out that many people couldn't afford to partake of the beautiful places they have saved. Both those things are totally wrong, as I again pointed out, because much countryside and coast owned by The National Trust has entirely free and open access to the public and it always will.

When Fiona Reynolds took over running the NT, she knew that many of us these days lead busy lives, and get little time to enjoy the countryside and open areas. She wanted to ensure that as much access as possible was given to everyone, on National Trust land, so that all could enjoy themselves as often as they wanted to. If you want to support the NT on here, then it would be nice, if, just for once, you could forget who is writing the details of these messages, take the blinkers off and see what I am writing for what it actually is, rather than going through it with a fine tooth comb seeing if there is anything you can pick me up on, twist, spin, put into a bad light, belittle, or basically be a smart arse about. The National Trust, to me, and millions of other people, is very important, and to try to make out that many can't enjoy it, as you were doing earlier, purely to, in my opinion, score 'points' is a real pain in the backside, because the NT matter, and....they matter hugely.

The comparison to a folk festival ticket was made to put your comments into perspective, which was perfectly clear. For a family ticket for most festivals, I'd have to pay a small fortune, around ooh..£300 ???? That is for just one week. The National Trust family membership for 52 weeks of the year would cost £61/86 depending on how you were paying. For that you'd get open access and free entry to all NT properties throughout Britain, for the entire day, for almost every single day of the year. In the winter months, this would be mainly for the gardens alone, which are still kept very beautiful during that time. And you'd still have hundreds and hundreds, thousands in fact, of acres of incredible land to enjoy, which is entirely free to you, your family and friends, throughout this beautiful country. So, for the final time....'Forever, for Everyone' means exactly that.

And just one final thing:

>>>"Why do you insist on mentioning the fact that my boyfriend tried to buy a calendar from your shop? What does it prove, except that he wanted a calendar? Do I refer to your ex huspand or the boyfriend who ran a mile when he realised what a nutcase you were? Does the fact that I set foot inside the shop where you work detract from the fact that 99% of what the National trust shops sell is twee, sentemental and nostalgic? "<<<

...I didn't reply, last night.

You have said many foul things about my ex-husband and myself, using any opportunity you can. You also, along with your band of buddies, launched a totally unwarranted and unpleasant attack on Sam, for no reason whatsover, other than he was associated with me. You knew and still know nothing about him, or my relationship with him, or anyone else for that matter, because you know nothing about my private life. Yet, you fill these threads with lies and vicious words about me, which you so willingly choose to use. Again, that is your choice entirely. Why you do it, I've no idea, only you have that answer.

I mentioned Derek coming into the shop, that was all. I did not say anything about your personal life, or about any relationship. You did that. Obviously you are going to know him, because Derek too works for Sidmouth. I have never mentioned anything about your private life, nor would I. The reason I mentioned him, was to point out that whilst you thought the NT sells nothing but 'twee' stuff, (that is just your opinion, not 'fact') Derek obviously doesn't feel that way, as he came in to buy something from us. You may dislike what we sell, that is entirely your right, but please remember, there are millions of people out there who love much of what we stock, and the money the shops raise, helps to ensure that all our members and non-members too, get to enjoy everything, including places such as Newton's garden, which you said you liked visiting.

I wish you well. I wish you a good Christmas and New Year. I wish you success in Sidmouth. I also wish you'd get off my back and stop being bitchy, condescending, lying and unpleasant.

Thank you.

>>>"Personally, I think there is a differentiation between civic , municipal and government buildings which should, in an ideal world, be symbols of the democratic process, and those buildings, epitomised by stately homes, which, as symbols of personal greed, oppression and social superiority, are there to "prove the upper classes have still the upper hand". "<<<

'To prove the upper classes have still the upper hand'...Really?

But they've given up their stately homes because they can't afford to live in them any longer.

That's defeat, not the upper hand.