The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26044   Message #2522483
Posted By: cobber
22-Dec-08 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: Help: Looking for the Cobbers-Australian folk band
Subject: RE: Help: Looking for the Cobbers
I read that too on the link in your other post Andrez. We put out fourteen albums and a couple of them, notably Bushland Dreaming and Portraits of Australian Women sold enough to get gold but as we owned our own label and distributed though more than one major (we started at Electric Records, went to Elektra-WEA then to Festival)there were no awards for any of them. Norm has it wrong on his site though the rest is pretty right. Like most publicity people, Norm has to create a story and I think he does well by the bands that he works with. I've tried self-promotion and, for me, it didn't work. A good manager/agent/whatever will praise you to a client in ways that you would be embarrased to do yourself. That's why we have agents. I think Norm is good at what he does but like the piper, he expects to get paid for what he does. Whether it's worth it is up to you to decide for yourself.

To Colm
I remember Aiden well. They were good days. Christy and Linda post to the mudcat occasionally but I'll forward your address to them in case they miss it. Didn't Aiden road manage the Bushies first UK tour?
John Armstrong (cobber)
ps We're putting a lot of the old cobbers stuff on the net, should be there by New Year but I'll post that when it's done