The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117165   Message #2522582
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
22-Dec-08 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: Curly headed piccaninny
Subject: RE: Curly headed piccaninny
Going back to the song itself, and why we sang it. WE, meaning "we kids back in the 1930s in the Kentucky Mountains."

1- It was a beautiful song, had lovely harmonies.

2- It was to us very sad, very emotional, on the same level as,"Please Mommie, Please, Stay Home With Me!"

3- It always ended with us having a discussion about how folks "ought never to act that way." We didn't realize the size of the racial problems the song portrayed (very few people besides whites in our part of KY then) but our reaction to the treatment of the Momma and her little boy- was always sorrow and anger. That particular song was never intended to be funny- was never sung as a joke. I think it may even have been in one of our songbooks at school- not really sure. I know we had a written source. Here's how it goes, and I think these are the original words:

Lilac trees are blooming in the corner by the gate,
Mammy in her little cabin door;
Curly-headed piccaninny comin in so late,
Cryin cause his little heart was sore.
All the children playin round had skins so white and fair-
None of them with him would ever play,
So Mammy in her lap takes the weepin little chap
And says in her kind old way:

Now honey, you stay in your own backyard,
Never mind what the white chiles do
What show do you s'pose they's goin to give
A little black coon like you?
So jes stay on this side of the high board fence
An honey, don't you cry so hard!
Go out an play jes as much as you please.
But stay in your own backyard.

Ev'ry day the children when they pass ole Mammy's place,
Romping home from school at night and noon
Peeping through the fence to see the eager little face,
Of such a winsome, lonesome little coon...
'Til one day that little face was gone forevermore-
God had called the dusky little elf.
So, Mammy in her door sits and rockes as oft before,
And croons to her own black self:

Now honey, you stay (etc.)

I agree with you all that the song should not be sung today; it is history. And anyway the singer would be a laughing-stock, and the song would be embarrassing to almost everyone. But in its day,I do honestly feel that it reinforced for me the teaching of my parents, that God made and loves all the world's people and that we as His people should love and respect each other likewise.
End of sermon. Merry Christmas!Happy Chanukah!Glorious_____________!fill this in) Wonderful New Year!    Jean