The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117132   Message #2523578
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-Dec-08 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: Where can bad singers go?
Subject: RE: Where can bad singers go?
olddude - Thanks for the idea. I definitely like the concept of giving everyone their '2 minutes of fame'. Well, I suppose 5 minutes would be more accurate but you know what I mean. We can 'reward' the ones who have put in the time and effort by giving them more later on while poor ones should get the message. Well, I guess some are so thick skinned they won't but we can onlu hope...

Paul and Al. For the first time in ages I can definitely say I was laughing out loud. Could be a sort of community service for repeat offenders? :-D


David el Gnomo sets pretty demanding criteria to qualify as BAD and is unfortunate to have two such people at Swinton.

I am realy pleased that you spotted it, It is indeed a very demanding criterea I set to be bad and not many people are bad enough to qualify! They probably have to work realy hard at it:-) I think it is what a lot of people don't understand when they say that there are no bad singers and they cannot be that bad. They realy are.

To give the due credit one of them can tell a good tale and if he stuck to narration would have no problems at all. He probably doesn't realise that he doesn't realy have to sing when he can tell such a good story:-) The other can sort of play guitar. As long as he is on his own and doesn't try to sing at the same time. Put him in a band and the guitar timing becomes obvously to a different drum and when singing we end up with the voice and guitar in differnt keys and anything from 4/4 to 11/3 in the same tune! On a side issue. Incidentaly the latter has not been for weeks. Maybe he is home practicing?

I am getting some good ideas now so thanks all (well, most...) for being sensible and helping.
