The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4614   Message #25237
Posted By: Bob Bolton
05-Apr-98 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Origin: The Roast Beef of Old England (Fielding?)
Subject: RE: Lyr req: England's Roast Beef
Only a sidelight to "The Roast Beef of Old England":

In Australia we have a folksong, which is formed from a parody on the above, "The New England Cocky". New England is a mountainous area in the northeast of New South Wales and is noted for its (comparatively) cold climate - thus the "New" England tag.

The song is a fairly standard catalogue of tough conditions, served up in the guise of a dying small-holding farmer (colloquially a "Cocky Farmer") parcelling out his meagre possessions to his surviving children. The song is obviously from other than the "Cocky Farmer" class as it is far less than sympathetic!