The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2525105
Posted By: Donuel
26-Dec-08 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
When the free market had every center of power in their hands including the Supreme Court, the chief executive, the Congress, think tanks/media, the "free" market was then allowed to pursue any and every criminal activity with impunity.

The financial corporations are now the cheif domestic enemy to the United States and have defeated this country fir the next 20 years while walking away with untold trillions of dollars borrowed from future taxpayers that was said to be for stimulus and recovery.

All the Mr. Potters in this country have finally succeeded in destroying every Bedford Falls across this nation as well as other nations around the world. All the Bailly's have been crushed and all the homes will be forclosed through 2012 that can be forclosed despite the bail outs. $259 billion would have bought all the mortgages that were going into forclosure but only a fraction of one percent of the bail out money went to paying off bad mortgages.

The Mr. Potters of this world are mighty proud of themselves right now.

Historiclly you need only go back to Nixon when he canceled the Brentwood accord to see the begining of the bankrupting of the middle class worldwide. Reagan accelerated the free hand to financial corporations. Clinton and Bush one were one in the same when it comes to crippling labor. Bush two let all the evil in the mud to hatch out in the worst financial plague to infect the planet.

yet still there are traitors who call for a deregulated free market to take anything they want. The irony and tradgedy is that they already have.