The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117284   Message #2525628
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Dec-08 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: homage to Rise Up Singing
Subject: RE: homage to Rise Up Singing
BillDarlin'...when I finally meet you, you will close your eyes and listen and will not be able to tell I may be using my songbook (not RUS, my own!):-)

Seems to me Spaw made the most sense...poor ol' RUS has been mis-used. Since I've never lived where I could go to a regular session, once i found out about such things, I haven't had much chance, except on PalTalk, to practice songs as I don't enjoy doing it much for just myself. However, I grew up singing and playing all of the time. Were I to start going to sessions, I would start out with a few songs memorised and share them, but I would also want my songbook with me just for reference and, if I were trying out a new song. If that is too much of a crutch for some *purists* then I'd have to find a different session.

Oddly enough, with playing, I'd not expect a book at all unless I were playing classical violin. Folk, etc. is all by ear for me on the dulcimore and fiddle. Again, I'd be sure I'd practised and hope I did a good job, but I'd also appreciate trying out new tunes and getting input.

Seems to me there ought to be some room for compromise, understanding, patience, etc. What would you tell someone who was elderly, still able to sing, etc., but couldn't remember the words? I sent RUS to my dad when he was in his 80s. He and I had never heard of it. He enjoyed refreshing his memory with it, though he had the sense not to take it for "gospel" and he was able to remember the words once he'd re-read them. Of course, with his standard playlist, he had no problem, save using 3 X 5 cards with the song titles to prompt his memory. I don't own RUS, but I do wish his widow had sent his copy back to me. I wouldn't mind having a copy.

Joe, agree! NO books, etc at a campfire!:-)

Anyone remember the ancient thread we had on our own songbooks and what kind of paper, etc. we preferred to print them on and bind them? It was a neat thread and I would refresh it if I could find it. I know Bert posted to it, may have started it, and Alice told us about her thermal fax paper in the shower, but I'll be danged if I can find it!

