The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117284   Message #2526264
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
28-Dec-08 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: homage to Rise Up Singing
Subject: RE: homage to Rise Up Singing
"And comparing song circles with Sacred Harp singing is like comparing apples to oranges. Normally, Sacred Harp singers do sing out of books. Nevertheless, I did hear and see a group of Sacred Harp singers at one of the NW Folklife festivals, and they sang without books."

Sorry Don, it is hardly a case of comparing apples and oranges - unless your version of a song circle differs greatly from mine. Borth.   Both a sacred harp sing and a song circle SHOULD be about community and the experience of singing together. Sacred Harp is NOT about exhibition, nor should a song circle be about PERFORMINGe either.   As Frank pointed out, a good song circle can help those who do not have equal talents so that everyone is made familiar and comfortable.

A book is not necessary, but is certainly not to be banned.

"I can't envision singers like Margaret Barry at her usual post sitting in a pub with a pint in front of her singing out of a song book."
Nor can I. Margaret Barry was more of a professional as well as a collector and her skills would not require a book.   Luckily, most song circles are not made up of professionals (or wannabies) and the spirit of singing together takes precedent.

" if someone here says that they prefer the old song parties or "hoots," or the way song circles used to be before people started dragging books to them and that they don't particularly enjoy sitting around hymn-singing out of Rise Up Singing, there is a chorus of folks here who howl like goosed mooses, then point an accusing finger and start using words like "egotistical" or "pedantic" or "snobbish" or, "a clique." "

Yes, it is pretty pathetic that some of us feel a need to remind others of the real reasons those old parties and hoots sounded so good.   Memory tends to gloss over reality and the need to keep things they way they were tend to overlook the necessity of making music for the pure enjoyment of it. Live and let live - and spend a moment or two stepping back and thinking about the other person and why they are using books and such.   Maybe the answers will be easier then.