The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2526310
Posted By: Jack Campin
28-Dec-08 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests...
"...your whole goddamn country is land stolen by genocidal violence..."

Whoa. No cause for complacency. If only because it is so much older, Britain has a MUCH worse record

Fuck that. I may live here but I owe its government no allegiance whatever.

Yeah, the British started expropriations in North America before the US existed. The US proceeded to steal several times as much land as the colonials had done, with far worse atrocities. They had the historic opportunity to make some sort of peace with the Native Americans, given that the situation they were in was not of their making, and maybe create a state like Jesuit Paraguay. Instead they chose continuing genocide while blabbering to the world about "liberty".

Obviously the UK regime is in no hurry to denounce the Zionists as the murdering, thieving filth they are, given their own record in India, Africa, Australasia, the Caribbean and the Far East. The fact that they won't say it doesn't make the Zionists any less murdering, thieving filth.