The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10783   Message #25264
Posted By: Whippoorwill
06-Apr-98 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Way Down in Shawneetown (Dillon Bustin)
Subject: RE: Way down in Shawneetown
Just a little historical note:

Shawneetown is a very small town in southern Illinois, just west of the Indiana line. Like so many other river towns it was nearly washed away many times by high water, and finally moved up on the bluff. Its main claim to fame in the '50s was a justice of the peace who would perform marriages without the three-day waiting period required in Indiana. Numerous young couples from Evansville and thereabouts eloped to Shawneetown in those days, even when they had their parents' permission to marry.