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Thread #116994   Message #2526525
Posted By: The Sandman
29-Dec-08 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
His writing about shakespeare and the english monarchy,,Second Anglo-Sikh War 1848-49

During the nineteenth century, the British slowly extended their hold over the whole of the Indian subcontinent, fighting a series of wars to secure their gains. The Second Anglo-Sikh War saw the end of the independent Sikh nation and the incorporation of the Punjab into British India.

The Battle of Gujrat
Crimean War 1854-55

Britain's first European war for forty years, this war with Russia was conducted with quite extraordinary incompetence by the British generals. The most memorable event - and poem - of the war was the Charge of the Light Brigade, but McGonagall adds a few more...

The Battle of Alma
The Battle of Inkermann
Indian Mutiny 1857-58

The rebellion of Indian soldiers, and much of the native population, sent shockwaves throughout Victorian Britain. Marked by acts of barbarism on both sides, the events of the mutiny were still inspiring McGonagall to write twenty years later.

The Hero of Kalapore
The Downfall of Delhi
The Capture of Lucknow
Second Ashanti War 1873

Typical of many of the "small wars" fought to maintain Queen Victoria's empire, the Second Ashanti War saw a powerful West African nation brought to heel.

The Ashantee War
Contemporary Wars

Amongst the newspaper accounts of civilian death and disaster which regularly inspired McGonagall's pen came stories of military deeds from across the Empire. These were grist to the mill of McGonagall's Quixotic genius and inspired the following "Gems":
Zulu War 1879

Border disputes led to this conflict, remembered in the movie "Zulu". Though successful at first, the Zulu nation was eventually destroyed.

The Hero of Rorke's Drift
Second Afghan War 1878-1880

The Last Berkshire Eleven
General Roberts in Afghanistan
First Boer War 1881

The Horrors of Majuba
Egyptian Revolt 1882

The Battle of Tel-el-Kebir
Mahdist Uprising 1883-85

General Gordon, the Hero of Khartoum
The Battle of El-Teb
The Battle of Abu Klea
The Rebel Surprise Near Tamai
Reconquest of Sudan 1896-98

The Battle of Atbara
The Battle of Omdurman
Second Boer War 1899-1902

The Battle of Glencoe
The Relief of Mafeking
Lord Robert's Triumphal Entry into Pretoriain other words subject matter