The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116994   Message #2526562
Posted By: GUEST,lox
29-Dec-08 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: English Culture - What is it?
Subject: RE: English Culture - What is it?
I think its fair to conclude that

1. English culture is a very complex and hard to define amalgam.

2. It is also a very interesting area of study.

3. It is a very sensitive issue.

4. 3 English people in one room will advance 3 different opinions of what english culture is.

5. each will probably argue that the other two are wrong.

6. they will probably all get upset.

7. The BNP will hang around like bad smell to try and convince all of them that they best represent the viw that each of them of them is convinced of

Like the story of the 3 blind men arguing over what an elephant is ...

... its a curly snake - no its a tree trunk - no its like a little rope.

I think the poster has asked an interesting question, though I am concerned that her mind is closed to some aspects of English culture that she doesn't understand and therefore finds unpalatable.

But I don't see that she has been any more closed minded than some of her critics.

Which of course ultimately proves that I'm the most open minded and enlightened person in the whole world!