The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2527367
Posted By: Donuel
30-Dec-08 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
the way I see it...

When it comes to any prosecution of high crimes and misdemeaners of the people in the Bush administration including George himself, we will find that what can be done and what will be done are polar opposites.

What can be done within the law could shine a light on the greater good and punish our own evil doers. What will be done however, will be done behind closed doors by a commission that will expereince every delay known to goverment until every statute of limitations have past.

The sad outcome will allow very illegal act that goes unprosecuted to become a legal precedent to do it all again.

For Obama to encourage any prosecution of rich Republican Banking families, the Government officals they "hire", the mobs of criminal financial wizards and the think tanks who are their conciallari would invite certain murder.

Obama faces the same circumstances as Ceasar Augustus aka Octavian.
The wealthy Republicans of Rome were highly concerned that a populist Ceasar like Augustus, who claimed he was a man of the people, would threaten their wealth and ill gotten gains. Rome had been divided by real and virtual civil wars between the Republicans and the people. Augustus had to walk a middle road for Rome and himself to survive. So will Obama.

Augustus survived by posing a a very humble man who would not touch the Republican wealth. Augustus slowly cemented power over decades and avoided assasination until he died at 72.