The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2528273
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
31-Dec-08 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
One can assume that you are a Democrat..How is it, then, that you seem to support the pushing through policies, that circumvent the Democratic process?? I would think you'd be outraged, that a minority would be overturning our system with the legal shenanigans, of some slick and twisted lawyers...and furthermore, to compare homosexuals and their agenda with blacks, is absolutely ludicrous! Nobody is saying homosexuals(who elected to be homosexuals) is the same as blacks, nor do they have the same heritage, of being forced from their homelands, to be slaves, and now having multitudes of offspring, born here, are at all the same thing!! Neither is it fair to say homosexuals, should force religions to change their beliefs, because their sexual preference, which is opposed to that same existing belief system, wants the legitimacy and recognition, those who elect not to recognize, that lifestyle. Perhaps they should form their own 'religion', rather than coerce, and subvert, thereby corrupting, an EXISTING religious way of life, which is opposed to those principles, and tell them that they can't believe that way, any longer! That is completely ridiculous!
Same with the political system. Twice, now Californians have voted this down, only to be, 'overturned', by legal jargon, legalese...and then, denied(Jerry Brown), due process, to challenge???????????
You are in support of the destruction of our very legal process, that this society is made of...Although, our 'celebrity elect' will take office, at that point, he will be my president, whether I voted for him or not..That is the will of the majority vote....and until he screws up beyond repair, I will support him, and route for him to be not only a good president, but a great one.....because that is the will of our people!!..Why can't you see this principle applied to our democratic process??????

P.S. I DID NOT vote for McCain, either, nor am I a Republican right wing nut. There are both 'liberal' AND 'conservative' principles that I agree with, because I do my homework, and am opposed to certain corruptions of our system....this, my friend, is one of them.