The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117368   Message #2528371
Posted By: melodeonboy
31-Dec-08 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: Nat'l Pointless Day - 3 Kings opp
Subject: RE: Nat'l Pointless Day - 3 Kings opp
Er... as she's corresponding from Australia, which wasn't settled by Europeans until the late 18th century, could she not technically be right, according to her use of "we"?

What's the problem with public holidays, anyway? At least a holiday which relates to the beginning (and end!) of a yearly cycle (and it doesn't have to be in January, particularly) with all its implications of the changing of the seasons, death and renewal, blah-di-blah-di-blah..... has direct relevance to our lives. What's the reason for the August bank holiday by the way? I reckon there is one, but I'm blowed if I know what it is.

All countries, to the best of my knowledge, have public holidays, most of them related to religion or politics. I'm quite in favour of one which relates to our annual cycle.