The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117380   Message #2528426
Posted By: PoppaGator
31-Dec-08 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blagojevich names a name
Subject: RE: BS: Blagojevich names a name
Now, it IS true that Gov. B. is innocent until proven guitly, and legally empowered to continue acting as Governor (which includes the right and duty to name someone to fill a vacant congressinoal seat representing his state).

However, it is ALSO true that the US Cosntitution allows the Senate as a whole (and presumably the House as well) to accept or reject any such appointee, and that the Illinois state constitution specifies that their Sec'y of State must rubber-stamp the Governor's nominee before the nomination becomes official.

This concept is called "checks and balances," and always seems to work out sell when unusual cicumstances (such as these) arise.