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Thread #117380   Message #2528499
Posted By: Ebbie
31-Dec-08 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blagojevich names a name
Subject: RE: BS: Blagojevich names a name
To repeat what I posted on the Obama Administration thread:

From the (beardedbruce) link: "One of Rush's colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.), told the Associated Press last night that he had been offered the appointment last week but that he turned it down because "I thought the environment had been poisoned."

Wise and moral man. The environment, of course, has been poisoned and no one knows it better than Blago. Chicago's Lieutenant Governor and the US Senate have both said they would not certify or seat anyone that the Governor names; Blago is doing nothing but trying to force the issue.