The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2528598
Posted By: Bobert
31-Dec-08 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
At this point, what is desperately needed is good old fashioned diplomacy...

I hate to keep harping on the "Saudi Proposal" but it was a good working framework for an end to most of the conflicts but the problem was that at the time the Saudis put it out in 2002 it would have gotten in the way of the Bush War Machine....

It still has all the makings of being possibly the only plan that has any chance of working for both the short and long run...

And the beauty is that it is regional... The Isreali/Palestianian conflict is just part of a larger agreement that would put alot of responsibilty for making it work on Arab nations as well as Isreal...

At some point something like this plan will get a second look... Right now, the upcoming elections in Isreal are playing into the equation... Sound familiar???
