The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117380   Message #2528609
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
31-Dec-08 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blagojevich names a name
Subject: RE: BS: Blagojevich names a name
Q asked:

Uncle DaveO, your legal training??
* * * *
Should I paraphrase your post re Gref F, Uncle Dave?
Or is it understood that your pronouncements, like others, including mine, start with the unstated clause, "It is my personal opinion that, ....."

Q, if you read my post, I provided the stated clause you wanted, "It is my understanding that. . ." That means, to me at least, that "It is my personal opinion", as you suggested. No, I am not a lawyer, but that is what I have understood for many years, rubbing shoulders with lawyers and federal judges.   Whereas Greg F. stated flatly, the Dems cannot legally refuse to seat him. To which flat assertion of law he added no basis of knowledge, and as far as I've seen, has not done so to this time.

I also took Greg F. to task by pointing out that it is not "the Dems" but the Senate as a whole that (in my understanding, since I'm sure you would want me to say that again) is the final judge of its own membership. As a non-lawyer, but interested in constitutional matters for many years, I doubt that even the Supreme Court may overrule the Senate in the exercise of that function.

Q, it would be better if you took the time to read posts before you criticize them without basis, as you did here.

Dave Oesterreich