The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117380   Message #2528968
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jan-09 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blagojevich names a name
Subject: RE: BS: Blagojevich names a name
I think that Gov-B, perhaps with a little advice from his legal team, has made a genious move in appointing Roland Burris to fill Obama's Senate seat...

I also think that the Dems, including Obama, are cowerin' to a sozen or so Southern GOP Senators who have certainly been looking for a fight...

"Shame on you, Barack Obama... Shame on you" is about all I have to say...

Roland Burris has all the qualities to make a fine Senator and I hope the Illinois Supreme Court upholds his appointment and I'm sure that there are many chicken-sh*t Dems that hope that, as well, so they won't have to take fire from the handfull of GOP'ers who would turn this into all-out war...

Brillient move, Governor...
