The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117284   Message #2529413
Posted By: Don Firth
01-Jan-09 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: homage to Rise Up Singing
Subject: RE: homage to Rise Up Singing
C'mon, folks, let's not descend to the level of calling each other "pompous performers" and "jerks" and generally spitting at each other like pre-schoolers having a snit-fit.

Although slightly convoluted, Mary (mg) says a lot of good things just above. I first met Mary in the very early Seattle Song Circle meetings. And I like to hear Mary sing. Solo. She knows a lot of good songs and she sings them well.


An alternative fable:

Richard I, on his way back to England from the Third Crusade, is captured and held for ransom. He sits in a dungeon cell in despair. Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice outside the barred window. It is the voice of Blondel, the minstrel, singing a familiar song. Richard's heart beats faster. His friends are looking for him, so they can ransom him and he can return home to England! Hope bursts forth!

Blondel sings the first verse of a song that he and Richard often sang together, then he stops and waits. He waits for Richard to sing the second verse, the way they always do with this song. This is a message! If he hears a response, he will know for certain where Richard is being held and can carry the news to England.

But Richard doesn't have his copy of RUS with him! It was taken from him, along with his sword. He doesn't know the next verse without looking in the book!

Hearing nothing but the wind soughing through the trees, Blondel sighs and passes on, to continue his quest.

Richard's heart sinks into despair. And history is changed forever.

Don Firth